Majored in History with an emphasis on medieval and ancient history,
also majored in Psychology with an emphasis on psych tests and measures.
Minored in English and Mathematics. Originally had intended to persue a
degree in Physics with an interest in Astronomy, but History and Psycholoy
turned out to be more interesting in the end.
Attended full time (minimum of 14 hrs.
a semester) and summer school classes while working 40 hrs a week at the
Coleman Co. Took one computer science course but flunked it.
Qualified as Expert on M-14 rifle, Sharpshooter on M-60 machinegun,
and Marksman with 45 Cal Handgun. Served extra KP duty for fisticuffs
with fellow soldiers. Hit song on the radio at the time was 'On the Way to San Jose'
which I visited on a weekend leave.
Studies were directed toward college preparatory. Math and sciences,
as well as history and social studies were emphasised.
Played football in sophomore year. Worked evenings, weekends, and summers
as apprentice auto mechanic junior and senior years.
Wichita High School South Class of '66' Registry
Studied advanced placement courses such as Lab Science, Algebra
and Geometry as well as such standards as metal shop and Spanish.
Played intramural football and baseball. Member in model car club
and science club.
My 5th grade teacher was Miss Richardson and she drove a white 1955
chevy Corvette to school. Met several of my present day friends in
the 5th grade class. My 6th grade teacher was Mrs Baird. I fell ill
early in the year of my 6th grade class and had to have my appendix
removed, still managed to take the 6th grade train trip to Topeka, Ks.
Sowers was located quite close to the Joyland Amusement park and therefor
playing hooky from school and frequenting the penny arcade pinball machines
was not an infrequent event.
GRADE SCHOOL GRADE 4 - 1957 to 1958
MacArthur Elementary School (Plainview) - Wichita, Kansas
The most memorable time in this school was an outdoor sports event
similar to an elementary olympics in the spring semester. Was attending
an event called TARP at Brookside Elementary School (Plainview) in this
time period, supposedly put on to keep wayward kids off the streets.
Transferred to this school in middle of 2nd grade. Both my 2nd grade and
3rd grade classes here were split classes, with my 2nd & a 3rd grade class
sharing one teacher and classroom. My 3rd grade class shared a teacher and
classroom with a 4th grade class. I think this happenstance enhanced my
educational experience at this time quite favorably. I found myself paying
attention too and studing on my own much of what the upper class was studing.
Had to ride the schoolbus to school here. Remember one day of being on
recess for most of an afternoon after the school boiler blewup. Also
had a memorable field trip to a cemetary near by the school.